
Dec 21 2018
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The ongoing results of the devastation are being counted with tally marks within the framework. Like sand pine sticks with a quick break, no CGI. Top Left. The show of air force from the sky cast them down. Bow compasses measure the catastrophe upon the geography with the precision of geometry. Tall red-brownish bark crossed over others, over the vast military landscape. Metal beavers make massive log piles wilderness high. Florescent jacket workers feed the wood chippers twigs made by the storm. Mulch and tinder are piles for miles, wilderness high. Many move here for the sun and forget how […]



Dec 17 2018
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This is not Google Earth, you’ve been fooled. Everything in it was created for and by the Anchorman. Red bricks, White sand, Green bricks, along the coastline sustained by him. Experience profound peace through him and not just a click through. Danger for the chief executive officer with massive money and reach, it does not equal sovereignty. The Anchorman scoffs at big bankers with secret plans built on the foundation of sands. Warning, you’re not getting away with it. When he gets off his throne. The track record of fulfilled ancient prophecy is one-hundred percent by the Anchorman. Souls attached […]


Escape to Egypt

Dec 01 2018
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Escape to Egypt was made possible by a professional gambler. Poker was the game of entertainment surrounded by accomplished athletes and actors at each other’s elbows. My friend earned a reputation at these designated tables in private estates as being a young, lucky ace. How else do you explain losing large sums of money? During college he increased his skill level to be studied steps ahead of his opponents at Harrah’s Casino in New Orleans, Louisiana. Lose some. Win some. All things work together as the story advances. Subject to change. Face cards generated income from the celebrities who folded. […]


Cry Out

Nov 02 2018
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Discoveries are made in unlikely places like the shortboard couch with two crocheted hearts on hard pillows served as the bedding. The yarn folds held me in place like sticky bumps. My calves hanged over the wooden armrest and socks pressed into artificial green Christmas tree limbs; undressed. During the stay reassurance came from a two-dimensional Jesus portrait collecting dust in the corner of the shoebox flat. A safe place to rest in the presence of my enemies. One among millions. A lavender memory foam horseshoe travel pillow was my best asset flat on my back. My head cradled in […]


Set Temperature

Apr 02 2018
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Steve stands positioned on the storage shed’s slab preparing to sweep Skidrow. Early in the morning, the sun preheats the streets as an oven until the set temperature is reached. There’s one in the oven. The production of love began before the industry. The ministry of sweep is a repeated and forcible action: the dirty side of mercy. Sharp jagged bars high on the perimeter wall say: keep out. Whereas the Quickie yellow scooper handle shadows say: go in, to do works in Dickies and dry fit athletic wear. Everything from the inside is brought outside. They fit inside one […]


Lights and Sirens

Mar 23 2018
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After the call goes out to the ready rig filled with a tag team of fit and dapper rescuers, fitted with emblematic hats, strategic action fills duty like black turnout boots. In first gear, the first responders are on their way. Adrenaline rushes through his vein mileage. Another fix for an adrenaline junkie. Best in pairs, speed to get there, clear wrap ripped off flies through the air like discarded wrappers. There and here for the impaired. Street sweep rappers fling past burnout. In a flash, Luke Hawkinson appears on the emergency scene. On the street, it’s the truck everyone […]


Chain Migration

Feb 09 2018
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The shower ring hangs low like the peninsula of the Deep South as the chariot pulls the reigns of time over the gulf. Golden sinews reach my eyes from thine eyes. Never cut off from the vine in whom I abide. Deep purple, peach and pink colors are air-brushed onto clouds like smoke bombs. Snow Birds rinse off the uncertainty of winter with chain migration anchored in northern most states. Far far away. The cooler portion of Florida is tropical in comparison to where the Snow Birds reside. They come out of hiding inside thick garments. Unravel the yarn. 59 […]


Just A Peek

Jan 07 2018
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In Cairo, northeast of the Nile River, the diesel locomotives never ceasing pace shrieks at break neck speeds. For dear life, they hold their position. Pass by in a few secs. Easily, one slip could cause bodily harm for their stunt of survival in a millisecond. There are no doubles if they fall into trouble. Movements with force stay on course as riders multiply at the stations from hidden hectares deep within the inner city. The high-pitched friction gnawing the polished silver rails strikes the eardrums like lightning. Like a rumbling storm of industrial steel wheels and springs you hear […]


Tractive Effort

Dec 23 2017
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Brian Anderson, an aggressive construction company owner left the lucrative world of bidding on public housing contracts and jobbery of Chicago to restore an old Englewood neighborhood within a 1,000-square-foot bungalow on 57th and Lowe. The bungalow’s backyard serves as a staging area for the food deliveries provided by the Greater Chicago Food Depository. While building a skate ramp for his son in his mansion in Inverness, Brian recalled thinking, “Look at all that I have, I don’t need God.” Like big rigs and cargo ships hauling materials for the masses, he was caught in a vicious cycle of accumulating […]


Green Screen

Oct 23 2017
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Living in the light reveals the crescent moon shadow. Yazeed bursts out like an illuminated fruit growing out of the thirsty Saharan desert sands. The wall he painted behind him is the green one. Evergreen is rich coloring for the Arab world conquered by Muslim rule. As an Egyptian Christian, he’s occupying the majority framework as a minority among the myriad minarets and mosques bowing to Mohammed: head mark. Daily he faces Jesus with affectionate Arabic whispers as he makes a way through Cairo’s metropolis of never ceasing momentum. His hand gently touches your inner forearm: I am with you. […]