
Sep 09 2018
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Class is in session at night school. On Hoover, the pure light above could remove touchy subjects like a vacuum into eternity, but curiosity pulls focus on a school night. The lit classroom is both public and private for all to see depending on if you’re pay attention to the signs or streets. A great cost in the budget in our defense as the advocate defends the cause of the poor and needy without a tomahawk or treaty. Simple teachings like working all things together for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Don’t be too […]


California Measures

Sep 02 2018
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Sidewalk slab, any marked section Citizen Same can grab, overnight. Sleeping beside media buys offers a tax shelter from leaders with bad gas. Chill waves fill economic contraction joints in preparation for the rising heatwave. In open air, its holding capacity increases bravery for the savory in scarcity. Humming wings of infinity. Purple trumpets off jacarandas’ branches, succulent agaves, and tongued hibiscus’ walls are strangers in the evening shadows. It’s your choice what to pay attention to. The ads don’t talk back to you. Or do they? If it’s lit right with diffusion you’ll end up doing it out front. […]


Eye Sore

Aug 26 2018
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Nearsighted, Citizen Same’s residency is vulnerable like a summer melon. Bye, winding herds drive by with no hesitancy. On Beverly, life is suddenly crushed by drive-bys who jump the curb. The scene of an accident causes disturbance in the neighborhood while everyone is asleep. The weak do not make a peep like a child: seen and not heard. A bent wheel carries the same things we care about. Not lesser because it’s not stowed away in a dresser. Some keep their core fit inside closets. Better off is not direct deposit unless it’s his spirit who the god of this […]


Sporting Goods

Aug 14 2018
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Citizen Same’s head is tilted downward with a plume of bed head hair. He is sporting goods in Carthay Square. Ball. Lit as if what does the light say? Concrete spread throughout the skyscrapers like layer cake. Stories high. The big corner is a lesson. Drop a pin. San Vicente and Wilshire Boulevard is like a department store with window dressings seen with kind eyes. Pay attention to the vertical doors of Italian and English exotics opened for display. Daily drivers of prominence. Their lights are left on all night. Hope it starts up by morning, unlike a manual shopping […]


La Mirada

Aug 08 2018
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One stop to another, all in a row, one of the few gray stationary shelters. Hope is coming down the line. A blue wave falls head over heels in the form of a blanket. Citizen Same succumbs to circadian rhythms resting against the spruced up metal siding. The bubble signature got popped. A single blue circle drips downward like the first test shot before the rattle can went wild. Undercover inside the urban hut. Sleep while grace opens the prison gates. Captives are set free. Uncover the truth, you’ll need a parachute. RIP cords have been cut. A short hop […]



Jul 30 2018
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Like the Metro, the two level motel apartments stand still behind Citizen Same before they pass by on electric power en route to another stop in the techno-centric society. Slyly piety slides away the power of human touch as such. Affection is left to become a bunch of finger tips. Not enough. The beating in the body evades detection. The walk passes through to assume the position. Citizen Same is still, south of the collection of skyscrapers denoting the city’s magnificence. The tallest straw on the Wilshire Grand is paper or plastic. A serious draw for the all consuming crowd. […]



Jul 14 2018
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The shelter is a temple more sacred than a vacant city hall. Come as you are says the tent maker who hosts vagrant varietals. All over the city they pop up for a toast with the third person. Full immersion into the unfamiliar waters gains a dripping wet language for sons and daughters now exempt from the penalty of homelessness. Vent your faults to the Lord who is exalted and lofty in the highest place. Out of his league. Echo eternity in our walled emptiness. Boast in the anointed Son who looks upon the lowly and sees them from afar. […]



Jul 09 2018
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Keenly peer into the night scene through the lens. The ad: the holy harnessed in incarnate. Advert to the insert. It’s been lit within darkness. Look up as he looks down at the prospect in the comfortable position albeit through the curtain. Our repulsive bodies now stand righteous from the champion who gave the performance of a life time. He sat down. Now Citizen Same sleeps lopsided. No ride, just dropped off. Cop a cop nodding off. Wait ’til they stop you from you. Hire authority above uniforms. Empty the orange knapsack of prospecting tools in exchange for the promise […]


Parchment Paper

Jul 01 2018
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Tropical house plants decorate the shelter out front for topical treatments. The oven light is left on while mixed up people are thrown around on the paramount parchment. Nothing sticks in the material therapy. Be still while waiting to rise. A jewel pod lit with the latest lipstick. Quick rips from pointy tips blow by the intersection at Larchmont. The smallest Mayberry village keeps the Illusion of Perfection. Lost in the beat surrounded by LA’s bigger bullies ready to pillage and pounce every ounce of affordability. Underneath the gleaming top, Citizen Same sleeps on the sidewalk like a smoked chili […]



Jun 26 2018
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Adrift according to the way we live not in light of the gift. Floating through the night without control like a boat without an anchor. Anger is a tanker about to spill. A dockless existence sails through trackless routes. Shipwrecks are swept away or sink in the blink of an emergency. Stir everything and see who foots the bill. Release the suitcases before the next destination. Challenges test the character of the challenger with lesson counts adorning the soul. A grey covering in some breathing shelter momentarily while the night is dimly lit. Sneak peek. Previews. Now you see me. […]