Little Voices

Sep 16 2018

Citizen Same is all bundled up in the charcoal grey blanket like dreams awaiting to escape before it’s all over. All over many are awaiting to be activated even though they’ve sustained a little damage. Chisel away the soiled stone to reveal a human statue underneath the liberty of light. Poor LA leaders are jumbled and shaken up. When they speak it comes out mumbled like two liters of pop: fizzled and flat. A dead beat. Too fancy to speak meat. Soda politicians flat out take the city to the cleaners while ignoring the little voices. They are great in numbers.

Seedy suits have shallow soil with no ability to roll up their sleeves to find the good soil in city laundry. Send the request down the command structure. They bounce on billions not knowing when they’ll fall down. Sheets of deceit are fragrant not knowing its the rancid stench of the streets. However, there is one who speaks between the sheets who constantly releases fabric softener between the peoples because he is the sustainer of all things. Here for a brief stint, but the designer robes we’ll get won’t be releasing lint in the radiant heat waves.