
Sep 23 2018

Insight, not just another stock photo. Upload for passive income, but what does it amount to? A massive pile of dry bones watching, checking account. Right. A markup language populates the understanding of the street life for structure and links. Look up for once digital dunce these are the scenes seen by the liberator while on patrol. They are not stock photos waiting for an empty placeholder. They are held beyond city limits on shoulders of suffocation. Do you think it ends there? Humbled into a posture of relaxation. Green pastures, no smoke. Out of place, by a pie of advertisement without an intention to move to the movies. The freedom to choose which theater is a masterful script. Sit closest to the torn screen without going through the motion of life.

As the white watch tick tocks, Citizen Same finds rest where there isn’t a protruding arm rest, not woke. By design the open space is next to the side horse so the pommel cannot cause further unrest. Alight from the pommeling there is a moment of tranquility passing in the austere anomaly. The point and time of the social dismount, time away from family and friends. Social services take their toll, but often fail to repair the roads. Technical politicians troll the freeways like loose gravel by thinking they’re a global gavel with sticky noise. The proud and partial will too soon be court-martialed to the great white throne among the swaying populations full of characters crafting retorts at the Lord at the rock.